Friday, October 24, 2014

Simple & Quick Halloween Decorations

There's only a week left until Halloween!  Do you need do decorate your home or office quickly and on a budget?

Here are some ideas that I've tried that maximizes the effect in a short amount of time:

: : : idea one : : :
Original idea:
TIME:  30 minutes
MATERIALS:  toilet paper, black trash bag, yellow construction paper, marker, tape, scissors
COST:  FREE (I used whatever was available on hand)
(1) tape black trash bag on door
(2) cut yellow construction paper into 2 circles and color in a smaller circle in each to create eyes
(3) tape eyes onto the black trash bag
(4) tape toilet paper in slants and sometimes weaving through other ones

: : : idea two: : :
TIME:  30-60 minutes
MATERIALS:  fake stretchable spider webs (fake spiders were included in the bags I used.
COST:  $1/bag at Target - I used 2 bags for about 1,000 sq ft of space, so total cost was $2!
(1) decorate your house using the spiderwebs - looks especially awesome in corner spaces and windows.

: : : idea three: : :
TIME:  30 minutes
MATERIALS:  printer, scissors, tape
(1) find a cool (or easy to cut) bat silhouette online.
(2) print them in black
(3) cut out the shape and tape them to the walls
(4) tape the middle section first, then tape the wings so that they are not flat on the walls but slightly closer to the body of the bats (middle section). This creates an illusion of flying bats!

Happy decorating!

: : : Caeli & Co : : :