Monday, August 22, 2011


Recently, my daughter received a twin size bed & mattress from her aunt as a birthday gift.  I'm not sure if my "baby" is ready for a big girl bed, but she sure is outgrowing her crib! My husband and I put the bed together this past weekend and I had ordered a adorable twin bedding set from Target, which arrived today. I also had briefly researched for a waterproof mattress pad, as my Little One is potty training, and found this one at Bed Bath & Beyond.  When I'm shopping for my daughter, retail therapy is always in session.  The mattress pad and sheets are in my washer now, and I keep checking it to see if it's almost done washing.  I feel like a child waiting in front of the oven for the cookies to be done baking!

: : : Caeli & Co : : :

Friday, July 1, 2011

Welcome to Caeli & Co!


Let me introduce myself: I am just a stay-at-home mom of a delightful toddler.  Since I became a mom, my focus has shifted to providing the best that I can for my daughter.  I hope to share this learning adventure as a mom, and also share products that are inspired by my child.

: : : Caeli & Co : : :